A successful extrication depends on a well contrived and executed plan; it is not an easy skill. The incident commander, who has overall responsibility, must gather and process a lot of information in relation to the vehicle, the patient and the environment before they can fully confirm and communicate their plan and exactly how it will be achieved. Arriving on scene and immediately having to identify hazards, implement control measures, absorb and process information and then rationalize what you see and formulate an extrication plan takes incredible focus and ability. Especially when we consider we often have to work under extreme pressure due to the presence of a potentially seriously ill patient. This cannot be learned quickly and regular exposure to operational incidents and training events that actually test planning and decision making are the only way to develop the necessary skills and abilities required. Vehicle Extrication - The NEXT GENERATION looks closely at the art of extrication planning and provides guidnace which is truly aligned to our understanding of the traumatically injured patient. As extrication planning involves pre hospital clinicians, it provides guidance for medics too. Find more in "Vehicle Extrication - The Next Generation" on www.lukas-store.de/en/home/ or on amazon.
