2007// Blitzschneller Gerätewechsel bei laufendem Aggregat. Das innovative LUKAS Monokupplung-System hat eine extrem robuste, bedienerfreundliche Mechanik und macht die manuelle Druckentlastung überflüssig. Rettungskräfte profitieren von dieser Innovation durch mehr Flexibilität im Einsatz.
The OKTO TEAM was created in December 2019 on the initiative of Jean-Christophe VIARDOT and Alex VICART. Both of them are trainers within the technical operational road rescue group of SDIS 91. The main goal was to improve the technics of taking victims in charge of their region. They also desired to take part in the national challenge of road rescue as well as other competitions. The OKTO-TEAM works closely with our partner from France: Dumont Sécurité and was was equipped with the latest eWXTs. "We are very pleased with this partnership and we want to thank LUKAS and DUMONT SÉCURITÉ for their trust and the opportunity they give us to use such effective tools", says a member of the Team. "eWXT range is very popular among users as they appreciate many things about it (in comparision with common hose connected tools) : handling, efficiency, gain of time, gain of space in trucks and design."
When delivering training on the technical aspects of vehicle extrication, one of the most asked questions is; why don’t you do it like this? The question is normally followed with an explanation of why they prefer to do it differently; which is absolutely fine. Having options and alternate methods is how we should approach vehicle extrication. It is really important to point out that the technical evolutions provided in this book are simply my own preferred methods. They are methods I have adopted following
many years of practice, training and research. Over the last fifteen years or so I have developed a range of techniques which have provided me with a high percentage success rate. Your method may well be different and that is not important. What does matter is that your success rate is equally as high and you are confident in your ability and approach. "Vehicle Extrication - The NEXT GENERATION" provides instruction on the most practiced techniques. They are the view of the author and may differ from yours.
Without doubt, on modern vehicles the B pillar rip/blowout is far more difficult than on older vehicles. Stronger, stiffer construction means that ‘ripping’ or ‘tearing’ your initial relief cut can create problems and delays. When we consider what our aim is, I would always recommend performing a side removal by removing the two doors and the B pillar individually (as detailed above). That said, it is still a valid technique, as we still have older vehicles on the roads. Vehicle Extrication - THE NEXT GENERATION provides a full description, data sheet and FULL LENGTH HD video link to this and many other popular processes and techniques.
Without doubt, on modern vehicles the B pillar rip/blowout is far more difficult than on older vehicles. Stronger, stiffer construction means that ‘ripping’ or ‘tearing’ your initial relief cut can create problems and delays. When we consider what our aim is, I would always recommend performing a side removal by removing the two doors and the B pillar individually (as detailed above). That said, it is still a valid technique, as we still have older vehicles on the roads. Vehicle Extrication - THE NEXT GENERATION provides a full description, data sheet and FULL LENGTH HD video link to this and many other popular processes and techniques.
There are organisations around the world who routinely assess the safety of new vehicle. They are located in Europe (Belgium), Australia, USA, Asia (Malaysia, China, South Korea, Japan), South America and India. These organisations will buy up to four of the same model of vehicle (anonymously) and expose it to a broad range of tests. The testing organisation will inform the vehicle manufacturer of its intention to test and provide the opportunity to provide the model with the very latest specification (if there has been a change or upgrade). Alternatively, vehicle manufacturers can sponsor a test of their own vehicle. Due to the proven commercial value of crash tests, vehicle manufacturers have greatly improved the construction of cars in key areas, ensuring a good performance and positive result. Historically, vehicles that have not performed well have had poor sales and in some cases, have been discontinued purely on the basis of safety. Vehicle Extrication - The NEXT GENERATION looks at the process that has given us stronger, lighter vehicles. Available on lukas-store.com or on amazon.de
Without doubt, on modern vehicles the B pillar rip/blowout is far more difficult than on older vehicles. Stronger, stiffer construction means that ‘ripping’ or ‘tearing’ your initial relief cut can create problems and delays. When we consider what our aim is, I would always recommend performing a side removal by removing the two doors and the B pillar individually (as detailed above). That said, it is still a valid technique, as we still have older vehicles on the roads. Vehicle Extrication - THE NEXT GENERATION provides a full description, data sheet and FULL LENGTH HD video link to this and many other popular processes and techniques.