When delivering training on the technical aspects of vehicle extrication, one of the most asked questions is; why don’t you do it like this? The question is normally followed with an explanation of why they prefer to do it differently; which is absolutely fine. Having options and alternate methods is how we should approach vehicle extrication. It is really important to point out that the technical evolutions provided in this book are simply my own preferred methods. They are methods I have adopted following

many years of practice, training and research. Over the last fifteen years or so I have developed a range of techniques which have provided me with a high percentage success rate. Your method may well be different and that is not important. What does matter is that your success rate is equally as high and you are confident in your ability and approach. "Vehicle Extrication - The NEXT GENERATION" provides instruction on the most practiced techniques. They are the view of the author and may differ from yours. That is not important providing your way is safe, timely and patient friendly.

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